Wow - It's really been that long since I posted?!
It's funny I read blogs and when someone hasn't posted for a while they always apologize and say they will be more diligent.
It's like they are apologizing for being lazy....Well, No Apology Here!
I've been crankin and busier than heck! And I won't apologize for it either. As a matter of fact the busier I am the more excited everyone should be because sooner or later I will get on here and share it with you so we can all learn together.
So what keeps me so busy? Internet Marketing. I have finally finished the 8 DVD set that teaches the newbies or advanced marketers how you can crank out the results and then build a relationship and market like a friend not a used car salesman. They will be available soon for purchase on the internet at
I have also started a new venture with a partner and we are cranking as usual and doing very well in the process - BUT I won't lie it has been a very challenging past year.
I have learned a lot about me, you and what it means to get results and what it means to build a business from scratch! AGAIN - you would think after bootstrapping it before building an engineering company from nothing I would have learned my lesson.
But No - where would the fun and struggle come-in. The best part is the business is thriving more and faster than anything I have ever done. What are YOU doing?
Are You pushing yourself? Are you out there winning everyday or are you watching the news and cowering in a corner? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER Stop, Give-up or Let-up!!
I've Been Quiet - But No Apologies
Posted by
Mark Kithcart
on Sunday, October 5, 2008
Internet Marketing,
mark kithcart,
santa rosa,
Comments: (0)
The New iPhone, The Internet & Pink Elephants
Posted by
Mark Kithcart
on Tuesday, July 15, 2008
napoleon hill,
new iphone,
speed wealth,
t harv eker,
think and grow rich,
Comments: (0)

When you aren't having success what do you do? Look at all of the new-fangled ways to get more success?
Maybe I should get a new iphone, that will help me! Maybe I should have a website, that will help me! Maybe I should get a pink elephant.......etc, etc
When Success is not coming do you continue to look external? Or do you start to look internal?
Think about it, inside of YOU are all of the answers. Especially if you are in the same business or using the same business model as others and the others are winning bigtime but you aren't. The answers are definitely WITH YOU.
But it is an interesting study to see people continue to look external to themselves. The ones winning must be cheating, the ones winning must be doing something secret, the ones winning must have iphones, internet sites and pink elephants.....
Actually the ones that are winning are using timeless success principles that have been around for decades.
Where can you find the success principles? The principles are all within your reach right now.
It's all writted for you to read in books......why not get a couple of free books like "Think and Grow Rich" the timeless classic by Napoleon Hill or "Speed Wealth" by T Harv Eker.
Stop looking externally - Build YOU and YOU will Win - As a matter of fact you cannot lose - Thankfully, It's a Law of the Universe!
If you Don't think like one of these - You Don't Make it!
Posted by
Mark Kithcart
on Sunday, May 25, 2008
Behnam Behrouzi,
ben behrouzi,
web 2.0,
yanik silver
Comments: (0)
A MAVERICK Entrepreneur - What is it? It is someone who knows where they're going, may not know how to get there but they are willing to TAKE ACTION!
Yanik Silver is a Maverick Entrepreneur and he just put together the 34 rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs. This is a must read for anyone doing any business.....
It's awesome to be inspired by those who exude greatness and are willing to take risks and forge the way for others. Yanik was inspired to write this after meeting and working with Richard Branson.
Those that inspire us live by these 34 rules Always - those that don't make it live by these rules when it's convenient.
Is it convenient for you to win right now or is it How You Live Your Life?
Yanik Silver is a Maverick Entrepreneur and he just put together the 34 rules for Maverick Entrepreneurs. This is a must read for anyone doing any business.....
It's awesome to be inspired by those who exude greatness and are willing to take risks and forge the way for others. Yanik was inspired to write this after meeting and working with Richard Branson.
Those that inspire us live by these 34 rules Always - those that don't make it live by these rules when it's convenient.
Is it convenient for you to win right now or is it How You Live Your Life?