When you aren't having success what do you do? Look at all of the new-fangled ways to get more success?
Maybe I should get a new iphone, that will help me! Maybe I should have a website, that will help me! Maybe I should get a pink elephant.......etc, etc
When Success is not coming do you continue to look external? Or do you start to look internal?
Think about it, inside of YOU are all of the answers. Especially if you are in the same business or using the same business model as others and the others are winning bigtime but you aren't. The answers are definitely WITH YOU.
But it is an interesting study to see people continue to look external to themselves. The ones winning must be cheating, the ones winning must be doing something secret, the ones winning must have iphones, internet sites and pink elephants.....
Actually the ones that are winning are using timeless success principles that have been around for decades.
Where can you find the success principles? The principles are all within your reach right now.
It's all writted for you to read in books......why not get a couple of free books like "Think and Grow Rich" the timeless classic by Napoleon Hill or "Speed Wealth" by T Harv Eker.
Stop looking externally - Build YOU and YOU will Win - As a matter of fact you cannot lose - Thankfully, It's a Law of the Universe!