LeapFish CEO, Ben Behrouzi, tweets on a regular basis. But many CEO's do not tweet or if they do the content is less than stellar.
An article from UBERCEO speaks to the marked absence of tweeting CEO's and calls them slackers:
We looked at Fortune's 2009 list of the top 100 CEOs to determine how many were using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, or had a blog. The results show a miserable level of engagement. Here are the topline results:
- Only two CEOs have Twitter accounts.
- 13 CEOs have LinkedIn profiles, and of those only three have more than 10 connections.
- 81% of CEOs don't have a personal Facebook page.
- Three quarters of the CEOs have some kind of Wikipedia entry, but nearly a third of those have limited or outdated information.
- Not one Fortune 100 CEO has a blog.
Social Media is now ingrained in the fabric of our interaction with each other as well as our interaction with companies and brands. Meeting someone new prompts a search and social media profiles, if present, are typically the main content that will rise to the first page of the engines.
Not only is Social Media engaging and controllable by the profile creator it also allows for "meeting others where they are". Instead of "requiring" others to seek out information on a deeper level (i.e. find the corporate website and dig through the About Us page or Management page) you can get a quick snapshot of not only a CEO's profile but also their personality as they engage others.
The other aspect that makes social media engaging and allows the type of interaction that would never happen is the "accessibility factor". I tweeted Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco, and he tweeted me back and then even sent me a Direct Message. My chances of interacting directly with the mayor of San Francisco were practically nil unless I was prepared to engage in a concerted effort to meet him. Twitter gave me quick access to what he was engaged in at that moment and allowed me to "connect" with him on a specific, and potentially fleeting, topic.
Social Media can be a tool that will allow a more personal connection with many CEO's and companies that seem untouchable. It can also allow your voice to be heard by the top dogs via a channel that was never available until the services (twitter, facebook et al) hit critical mass. CEO's that are socially disengaged have a lot to gain via social media channels and connecting at a deeper level.