Gary is real, unabashed and raw at times but THAT is what makes Gary who he is and why he is so loyally followed (and not just on twitter).
It's a fast read and you can pull some great nuggets from it if you are engaged in the online world or not. This is truly a book on "life-lessons" rather than just "online lessons".
His section on Authenticity is something that those online (and offline) really need to read and live - here is an excerpt from the book:
"If you want to dominate the social media game, all of your effort has to come from the heart; and it can’t come from the heart in the passionate, irrational, wholehearted way it needs to if you’re trying to be anyone but yourself. Authenticity is what will make it possible for you to put in the kind of hustle necessary to crush it"
Gary lives life on his terms and his authenticity blares through the usual "stuff" we see online.
Get his book, read it and then go out and do what you were designed to do - "Crush it!"