Business Athletes via Ben Behrouzi & Maverick Entrepreneurs - Cut from the same Cloth

I just read a great post, 10 signs of a Business Athlete, by Ben Behrouzi on his MaxStartup blog. He speaks to hiring Business Athletes rather than just hiring employee's. I like this one the best "#6 In any business, its important for team members to be able to make quick decisions with less than 100% of the necessary information"

Yanik Silver, cut from the same type of entrepreneurial cloth, also touched on a similar subject with his post about Maverick Entrepreneurs. This one is the best in my opinion "#20 Focus most of your time on your core strengths and less time working in areas you suck at."

Do you want to find out what it takes to have the edge in life? Read these two posts, print them out and put them up on your wall and read them everyday. The Business Athletes & Maverick Entrepreneurs won't need to do this because they already live it daily. But those that aspire to be a Business Athlete & Maverick Entrepreneur can't miss this opportunity to discover what their true potential is.
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